Research to Solve Problems

2024 College and University Fund Conference

December 6, 2024

On December 6, 2024, the Social Science Research Council will convene institutional leaders from the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences, together with leaders of philanthropic organizations and federal science agencies, to share insights about how to foster social and behavioral science that helps policymakers solve pressing social problems. What kinds of partnerships, funding streams, and administrative supports can sustain a pipeline of knowledge production and transfer aimed at public sector innovation? What can we learn, if anything, from the research infrastructure dedicated to supporting knowledge production and transfer for private sector innovation? Are there good examples of research-to-policy pipelines on our campuses?

This year, the conference will kick off with a special opportunity for deans responsible for the social and behavioral sciences to meet over an informal breakfast discussion about shared challenges.

RSVP to Attend the 2024 Deans’ Breakfast

The Deans’ Breakfast is open to attendees from the member institutions of the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences responsible for the social and behavioral sciences.

We invite you to join our co-hosts for breakfast and conversation from 8:30-10:00am at the NYU Abu Dhabi Institute at 19 Washington Square North. The main conference will be held in Eisner & Lubin Auditorium in NYU’s Kimmel Center (60 Washington Square South), with the program running from 11:00 am – 5:00 pm (coffee and check-in beginning at 10:30 am), and a reception immediately following the program from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.

2024 Deans’ Breakfast Co-Hosts

Ann Morning, Divisional Dean for the Social Sciences, New York University
Raka Ray, Dean, Division of Social Sciences, University of California, Berkeley
Miguel Urquiola, Dean of Social Science, Columbia University

A full program and list of speakers for the day is available here. For more information about the conference or the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences, please contact Lisa Marshall at
