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Inter-American Foundation (IAF) Research Fellowship Informational Webinar

The SSRC and the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) will host a joint webinar via Zoom to discuss the fellowship program, application tips, and audience questions. The webinar will be delivered in English with simultaneous interpretation in French, Portuguese, and Spanish. It will be recorded and posted to the program website for those who are unable to attend. Event Details Tuesday, October 29, 2024 from 1 pm to 2 pm EDT (17:00 to 18:00 UTC)Zoom link: ID: 160 447 4886Passcode: 305635 View the webinar recording here:

SSRC Sponsored Panel at the Amplifying African Voices for Strategic Action (AFSA) Conference, 31st October – Ist November 2024

Location: Strathmore University, Kenya The SSRC’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and Next Generation for Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen) sponsored a panel made up of members of the Peace and Development Researchers Association (PADRA) of Kenya, on ”Global Powers, Regional Organizations and Peace, Security and Development in the Horn of Africa, at the Amplifying African Voices for Stretegic Action (AFSA) conference, Nairobi. Four papers were presented in this panel. Dr Kizito Sabala from the University of Nairobi spoke on The Notion of African Solutions to African Problems and External Interests: Exploring the Missing Link in Africas Peace and Security …

Trendlines and Transformations in African Democratic Governance: Lessons for 21st-Century US-Africa Relations

November 13, 2024 | Washington DC On November 13, 2024, the Social Science Research Council’s (SSRC) African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen), in partnership with the Wilson Center’s Africa Program, hosted a policy dialogue at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC. This inaugural session of the “Trendlines and Transformations in African Democratic Governance: Lessons for 21st-Century US-Africa Relations” series brought together African and US scholars and experts to discuss political developments across Africa, exploring strategies for strengthening democracy in the region.   Robert Litwak, Senior Vice President and Director of International Studies of …

Reforming Tech and Democracy Programs for the Global Majority

Virtual Launch Event of the Study Custom Built / Feito Sob Medida How can tech and democracy programs better serve the needs and challenges of Global Majority countries? What are divergence points between Global North and Global Majority tech justice advocacies? How are so-called “whole-of-society” tech and democracy coalitions guilty of knowledge and data extractivism?   This event launches an important new study entitled Custom Built / Feito Sob Medida: Reforming Tech and Democracy Programs for the Global Majority. Retelling both frustrations and creative aspirations of over 100 frontliners of election integrity and media freedom initiatives from Brazil to India to …

2024 College and University Fund Conference: Research to Solve Problems

On December 6, 2024, the Social Science Research Council will convene institutional leaders from the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences, together with leaders of philanthropic organizations and federal science agencies, to share insights about how to foster social and behavioral science that helps policymakers solve pressing social problems. What kinds of partnerships, funding streams, and administrative supports can sustain a pipeline of knowledge production and transfer aimed at public sector innovation? What can we learn, if anything, from the research infrastructure dedicated to supporting knowledge production and transfer for private sector innovation? Are there good examples of research-to-policy pipelines on our campuses?

2024 CUF

Research to Solve Problems December 6, 2024 On December 6, 2024, the Social Science Research Council will convene institutional leaders from the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences, together with leaders of philanthropic organizations and federal science agencies, to share insights about how to foster social and behavioral science that helps policymakers solve pressing social problems. What kinds of partnerships, funding streams, and administrative supports can sustain a pipeline of knowledge production and transfer aimed at public sector innovation? What can we learn, if anything, from the research infrastructure dedicated to supporting knowledge production and transfer for private …

APN and Next Gen-Sponsored Panel at the 2024 ASA Annual Meeting: Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, IL

The Social Science Research Council’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and the Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen) program sponsored a panel of selective current and former fellows, “More than Local Expressions of the Global? Interrogating Emerging Patterns and Practices of Conflict, Peace and Development in Africa,” featuring presentations based on the fellows’ research findings. The panel was held during the 2024 African Studies Association (ASA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA, from December 12 to 14, 2024.  Chaired by Dr. Cyril Obi, Program Director of APN and Next Gen, the panel addressed how local cases of conflict, peace, and …

Trendlines and Transformations in African Democratic Governance: Lessons for 21st-Century US-Africa Relations, Part 2

January 14, 2025 | Washington DC  The second session of the Trendlines and Transformations in African Democratic Governance: Lessons for 21st-Century US-Africa Relations series took place on January 14th, 2025, at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC. This collaborative effort between the Social Science Research Council’s (SSRC) African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen), and the Wilson Center’s Africa Program brought together experts to discuss the geopolitical shifts and increasing prominence of middle and emerging powers on the African continent, particularly its implications for democratic governance, security issues, and Africa-US relations.   Cyril Obi, Program …

Trendlines and Transformations in African Democratic Governance: Lessons for 21st-Century US-Africa Relations

November 13, 2024 | Washington DC On November 13, 2024, the Social Science Research Council’s (SSRC) African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen), in partnership with the Wilson Center’s Africa Program, hosted a policy dialogue at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington DC. This inaugural session of the “Trendlines and Transformations in African Democratic Governance: Lessons for 21st-Century US-Africa Relations” series brought together African and US scholars and experts to discuss political developments across Africa, exploring strategies for strengthening democracy in the region.   Robert Litwak, Senior Vice President and Director of International Studies of …

Neighborhood Effects, Housing Mobility, and Place-Based Policies: Evidence from Experiments and Quasi-Experiments

The inaugural lecture in the Council’s 2025 lecture series on government innovation will cover Professor Lawrence Katz’s pathbreaking work with federal and local housing agencies to learn how public housing policy might more effectively support economic opportunity. This lecture will discuss three landmark projects: Moving to Opportunity, enabling residents of public housing to move to lower-poverty neighborhoods; Creating Moves to Opportunity, providing additional support to families considering leaving high-poverty neighborhoods; and HOPE VI revitalization grants, investing in mixed-income developments in neighborhoods with distressed public housing.

Unforgiving Places: The Unexpected Origins of American Gun Violence

About the Lecture What if everything we understood about gun violence was wrong? In 2007, economist Jens Ludwig moved to the South Side of Chicago to research two big questions: Why does gun violence happen, and is there anything we can do about it? Almost two decades later, the answers aren’t what he expected. This seminar (based on a forthcoming book) describes how and why everyone’s conventional wisdom about gun violence is at best incomplete, how behavioral economics gives us a better way to understand the problem, and how a sustained partnership between the University of Chicago Crime Lab and …
