Publication by DPDF 2010 Discrimination Studies Fellow Rengin Bahar Firat and Chad Michael McPherson.

This chapter constructs a sociological mantle for morality and the mind by specifying broad theoretical traditions in the sociological literature on structure, culture, and interaction amenable to neuropsychological models of morality. Moral action does not take place in a vacuum; people are embedded in culture and social structure. We belong to families, groups, organizations, societies that shape and are shaped by our actions, thoughts and feelings. Research in sociology is well established to provide the essential links between human mind – extensively focused on within moral psychology – with society and culture. A comprehensive science of morality not only tests the neurological mechanisms involved in morality in artificial settings but is anchored in sociological understandings about how morality is shaped and activated in everyday human life.

Publication Details

Towards an Integrated Science of Morality: Linking Mind, Society and Culture
Firat, Rengin Bahar, McPherson, Chad Michael
Springer Publications
Publish Date
January 2010
Firat, Rengin Bahar, McPherson, Chad Michael, Towards an Integrated Science of Morality: Linking Mind, Society and Culture (Springer Publications, January 2010).