About the Lecture Series
A renewed focus on government efficiency has drawn increased attention to the critically important public goods and services provided by federal, state and local governments, including education, health care, social assistance, public safety, and infrastructure. Efficient provision of these vital public goods and services is essential for shared prosperity.
Achieving increases in government efficiency requires that agencies continually innovate, test, and implement more cost-effective ways of delivering public goods and services, improving outcomes for their communities. Yet many government agencies lack the capacity to innovate, test, and learn.
Partnerships with the research community can provide agencies with the capacity to innovate and improve government performance. In this lecture series, we’ll hear about successful research collaborations between federal, state, and local government agencies and faculty on the 86 campuses in the Social Science Research Council’s university consortium. These collaborations, which have led to improved outcomes for many communities, give us a roadmap for delivering on the promise of government innovation.

Events in the Series

Repeated Evaluation Can Make Better Policy: The Case of Summer Youth Employment Programs