Make a Contribution to the
Social Science Research Council
Contributions from partners like you are an investment in policy-relevant and socially useful social and behavioral science. Your support ensures that we can address the pressing issues of today and anticipate the challenges that humanity will face tomorrow.

Mobilizing Social and Behavioral Science for the Public Good
For 100 years the Social Science Research Council has mobilized the research, policy, and philanthropic communities in the search for workable solutions to pressing societal challenges—including immigration, racial discrimination, economic development, education, poverty, climate change, democracy, and pandemic response. Today, we invite you to join us as we pursue new opportunities for policy-relevant and socially useful social and behavioral science.
Building Demand for Vaccines and Trust in Information
The Mercury Project is a consortium of researchers working around the world to find cost-effective and scalable interventions that build vaccine demand and support science-based health decision making. Over 80 Mercury Project researchers from 20 countries are working in 17 different countries, as well as online. Read more from researcher Neil Lewis Jr. here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my gift tax deductible?
The SSRC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit institution (tax ID 13-1325070). All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Always discuss donations with your tax consultant to maximize your benefits.
Can I send a check?
Please mail your contribution to:
Social Science Research Council
Attn: Development Office
1 Pierrepont Plz Floor 15
Brooklyn, NY 11201
How do I make a contribution by wire transfer?
Please email development officer Lisa Marshall for the Council’s current banking information.
Can I make a gift in multiple payments?
You may sign up to make a monthly contribution by credit/debit card using the online form at the top of this screen. If you are interested in making a multi-payment pledge for a specific amount, please email development officer Lisa Marshall.
How do I make a contribution of stock or securities?
For some donors it makes sense to consider a gift of appreciated stock when planning a donation of $1,000 or more. Please email development officer Lisa Marshall for the Council’s current investment account information so that your bank or broker can make an electronic transfer.
Does the SSRC accept bequests or other planned gifts?
Many donors appreciate the flexibility and potential benefits of planned giving. The SSRC accepts planned gifts in many forms including bequests, charitable trusts, and beneficiary designations. Working closely with your financial advisors, we can help you determine the best vehicles to meet your financial needs and make a lasting impact at the Council. If you are interested in learning more about planned giving, please email development officer Lisa Marshall.