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2021 SSRC Fellow Lecture: Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Pratap Bhanu Mehta Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton University Speaks on: Universities and Intellectual Life in The Age of Populism Wednesday, November 3, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (ET) followed by an informal conversation with Ira Katznelson Former SSRC President Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History, Columbia University  Anna Harvey SSRC President Professor of Politics and Director, Public Safety Lab, New York University   Event Recording About the Lecture Across the world, from Hungary to India, United States to Brazil, universities are increasingly becoming sites for battles over populism. Although the contexts vary, the …

Arts Research with Communities of Color (ARCC) Fellowship Public Information Session 2

The SSRC is proud to host a public information session answering your questions about the new Arts Research with Communities of Color (ARCC) Fellowship, supporting year-long, qualitative studies of arts organizations of color funded by the Wallace Foundation. The upcoming public information session is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9 at 4 p.m. ET. The session will cover details on application guidelines, eligibility requirements, and answer any questions that participants may have. Register here.

Expert Brainstorming on Somalia (VTC)

On 19 November 2021, CPPF convened an expert briefing on Somalia with Amb. James Swan, the UN Secretary-General's Representative in Somalia.

Arts Research with Communities of Color (ARCC) Fellowship Public Information Session 3

The SSRC is proud to host a public information session answering your questions about the new Arts Research with Communities of Color (ARCC) Fellowship, supporting year-long, qualitative studies of arts organizations of color funded by the Wallace Foundation. The upcoming public information session is scheduled for Tuesday, November 30 at 4 p.m. ET. The session will cover details on application guidelines, eligibility requirements, and answer any questions that participants may have. Register here.

Just Tech Fellowship Public Information Session 1

The SSRC’s Just Tech program is proud to host a public information session answering your questions about the new Just Tech Fellowship, a two-year, full-time, $100,000 per year (plus supplementary funding) remote fellowship supporting a diverse community of researchers and practitioners investigating the intersection of technology and social justice. The upcoming public information session is scheduled for Monday, December 1, 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET. The session will cover details on application guidelines, eligibility requirements, and answer any questions that participants may have. Register here. The Just Tech program is funded by a broad range of philanthropic foundations committed to cultivating critical …

Expert Brainstorming on Iraq (VTC)

On 3 December 2021, at the request of the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, CPPF held an expert brainstorming on Iraq’s national and regional dynamics in its post-electoral period.

Just Tech Fellowship Public Information Session 2

The SSRC’s Just Tech program is proud to host a public information session answering your questions about the new Just Tech Fellowship, a two-year, full-time, $100,000 per year (plus supplementary funding) remote fellowship supporting a diverse community of researchers and practitioners investigating the intersection of technology and social justice. The upcoming public information session is scheduled for Thursday, December 9, 10:00-11:30 a.m. ET. The session will cover details on application guidelines, eligibility requirements, and answer any questions that participants may have. Register here. The Just Tech program is funded by a broad range of philanthropic foundations committed to cultivating critical …

7th Annual MENA RC Forum (VTC)

On 10-11 January 2022, CPPF held the 7th Annual MENA RC Forum in collaboration with the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs. This forum will brought together UN resident coordinators, UN officials from across the MENA region, and external experts to discuss regional trends and developments ten years after the Arab Spring.

Virtual Book Launch: The Failure and Feasibility of Capitalism in Africa

The event started with opening remarks and an introduction of the author, Kenneth Omeje, and two discussants, Ndongo Samba Sylla and Toni Haastrup, by the moderator and director of the SSRC’s APN and NextGen program, Cyril Obi. This was followed by an overview of the book by the author. He identified the main objectives of the book as providing a critical assessment of capitalism in Africa, providing explanations for the failure of capitalism to lead to Africa’s development, and exploring options of transforming African political systems in ways that could lift millions of Africans out of poverty. Omeje noted that …

Abe Global 2022 | Polishing Japan’s Silver: Aging Sustainably in the 21st Century

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Across the world, societies are struggling to design sustainable policies for their aging populations. In much of the developed world, an increasing share of the population is over 60. In Japan, which has long been viewed as the pioneer “super-aging” society, nearly 30% of the population is now over 65. Individuals are living much longer lives due to improvements in nutrition and health care, while evolving lifestyles and shifting socio-economic conditions have kept birth rates at historic lows. The combination has produced a crisis in the social welfare systems which provide financial and care support for older citizens. The result …
