John Creighton Campbell is emeritus professor of political science, University of Michigan. His BA and PhD are from Columbia. He specializes in Japanese politics in general, organizational decision-making, and social policy, including the books Contemporary Japanese Budget Politics, How Policies Change: The Japanese Government and the Aging Society, and, with Naoki Ikegami, The Art of Balance in Health Policy: Maintaining Japan’s Egalitarian, Low-Cost System. These books and many articles and chapters were published in Japanese as well as English. He served as Director of the Center for Japanese Studies at Michigan, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Association for Asian Studies. He has visited at several universities: Hebrew, Doshisha, Toyo, Tokyo, Yokohama National, Keio, Free University of Berlin, Duisburg-Essen, Singapore, and Hamburg. His main research interests are Japanese and comparative policy for the elderly, particularly long-term care, and broader welfare state concerns.