Arunabh Ghosh is a historian of modern China, with research and teaching interests in social and economic history, history of science and statecraft, transnational history, and China-India history.
Ghosh’s first book, entitled “Making it Count: Statistics and Statecraft in the early People’s Republic of China, 1949-1959,” is under contract with Princeton University Press. In addition to working on Trans-Himalayan Science, he has also begun a project on the history of Chinese dam-building in the twentieth century. Articles and essays have appeared (or are forthcoming) in the Journal of Asian Studies, BJHS-Themes, Osiris and the PRC History Review. Trained at Haverford College and at Tsinghua and Columbia universities, Ghosh joined the Harvard History Department in 2015 from the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, where he was an Academy Scholar for the 2014-15 AY.