Fellows & Grantees

Agana-Nsiire Agana

Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Program 2023
Project Title
Social Media and Political Engagement among Ghanaian Christian Youth
Institutional Affiliation (at time of award)
University of Edinburg


Agana-Nsiire Agana is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Edinburg and holds an M.Th. in World Christianity from the University of Edinburg and a B.A. in Theological Studies from Valley View University in Ghana. His research draws upon Kierkegaard’s existentialist philosophy and empirical work in Ghana to advance a philosophical-theological investigation of personal identity construction among young Christians in the digital age. Specifically, he interrogates how social media culture shapes the construction of personal identity and selfhood, and how this relates to much-bemoaned crises of authority and authenticity in digital religion literature. During his SSRC fellowship, he will explore the impact of transnational digital cultural flows on democratic participation among young Ghanaian Christians.
