Fellows & Grantees

Ngozi Emeka-Nwobia

Individual Research Fellowships 2020
Project Title
The Silent Voices of Peace: Unveiling the Role of Umuada in Conflict Management and Peacebuilding in Igboland, Nigeria
Institutional Affiliation (at time of award)
Senior Lecturer, Department and Linguistics and Literary Studies, Ebonyi State University


Ngozi U. Emeka-Nwobia is a senior lecturer in the Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki-Nigeria where she also obtained her PhD in Sociolinguistics. She is a Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY) Scholar (2015) and has also received other international fellowships and research grants among which include; Postdoctoral fellowship award of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)’s African Humanities Program (AHP), 2016/2017; Social Science Research Council (SSRC)’s Next Generation Social Sciences Research in Africa 2013 Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship Award; and 2014 Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship Award; a collaborative research grant on ‘Language, Literature, Music and Prayer as (re)Sources of African Values, Spirituality and Christian Theology’ funded by the Templeton Foundation under the Nagel Institute of Calvin College, Michigan, USA 2018-2020; among others. 
