Fellows & Grantees

Nasser Mohammed

Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018
Project Title
Myth, Memory and Identity: The Re-invention of Tigray as the new External Significant Other of Eritrea
Institutional Affiliation (at time of award)
Makerere Univeristy


Nasser Ahmedin Mohammed is a stateless (formerly Eritrean) refugee and a PhD candidate completing his dissertation. He was born in July 1978 and grew up in the town of Asmara. His dissertation deals with the wartime nationalist discourse in Eritrea and the construction of the new enemy. He was a journalist for the culture and arts program through the years  from 1998 to 2000. Before he left Eritrea in 2009, he worked at the Research and Documentation Center of Eritrea, where he was a research assistant. He did his Masters of Philosophy from Addis Ababa University. He believes being introduced to the field of philosophy has been the best thing that had ever happened in his life, and likes reading philosophy for sheer intellectual pleasure and for artistic endeavors.
Mohammed is an amateur artist and loves reading literature. He is a great lover of the Bronte novels and has translated Jane Eyre into Tigrigna.
