Fellows & Grantees

Michael Edwards

Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Program 2023
Project Title
Jesus and the Revolution: Theologies of Solidarity from the Burmese Highlands to the American Heartland
Institutional Affiliation (at time of award)
University of Cambridge


Michael Edwards is a Smuts Research Fellow in South Asian Studies at the University of Cambridge and will be joining the University of Sydney as a Lecturer in Anthropology in 2024. An anthropologist of religious life, media ecology, and political change, he received his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics in 2019. His first book project, “Real Change: Myanmar and the Dissonance of Salvation” (selected for the Atelier series at the University of California Press) is about the encounter between Pentecostalism and Buddhism during Myanmar’s fraught and fleeting democratic opening. A second ethnographic project, supported by the RSDR fellowship, explores questions of transnational religion and solidarity emerging from Myanmar’s unfolding revolution.
