The Red Sea Arena, spanning East Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, is one of the most unequal in the world. This project starts with the urgent question of how, in one ecological region, some of the richest and poorest societies in the world are weathering today’s profound climatic, economic, and political transformations. By creating a network of specialists across the usual boundaries of African Studies and Middle Eastern Studies, across disciplines, and across institutions located throughout the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa, this project enables a deeper investigation of how environmental transformations and political economies unite this region.
Principal Investigators
Nathalie Peutz
Associate Professor of Arab Crossroads Studies, NYU Abu Dhabi
Alden Young
Assistant Professor of History, University of California Los Angeles
Ian Hoyt
Student, NYU Abu Dhabi
Yesmine Abida
Student, NYU Abu Dhabi
Anatoli Lemma
Student, NYU Abu Dhabi
Rifal Imam
Student, NYU Abu Dhabi