The overarching goal for this collaborative project is to build a long-term historical understanding of agroecological change in the small tropical island complexes of the Indian Ocean World based on integrating data and narratives from physical and natural sciences, archives, folklore, food cultures, festive traditions, and health practices. The project focuses on two small tropical island complexes: the Quirimbas- Ilha Moçambique- Comoros islands in the Southwest Indian Ocean maritime sphere and the Andaman-Nicobar (AN) islands in the Bay of Bengal maritime sphere. We aim to create an Open Access online resource that provides composite understanding of the agroecological changes that have occurred on these small tropical island complexes during different phases of the Holocene.
Principal Investigators

Haripriya Rangan
Principal Fellow and Associate Professor, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia

Suresh Babu
Associate Professor and Dean, School of Human Ecology at Ambedkar University, Delhi

Mussa Raja
Lecturer and Research Assistant, Eduardo Mondlane University