The debate on violence against women in politics has gained strength internationally, especially after legislative initiatives aimed at confronting it in Latin America. In Brazil, however, despite the emblematic cases that continue to multiply, the theme has only recently begun to gain space in the public sphere, and even so, in an incipient way. The low presence of women in the Brazilian Legislature, such as complaints made by parliamentarians in relation to abuses suffered in the National Congress, as well as cases reported by the media that fall into the typology of political gender violence, this project will map and analyze its various forms of expression : physical, psychological, symbolic and economic, within the scope of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil. Therefore, the research will analyze the shorthand notes of the House plenary sessions throughout the 55th Legislature (2015-2019) and will carry out closed and semi-structured changes with the parliamentarians who exercised mandates during the period. In this way, the research intends to contribute to the understanding of how violence can constitute one of the obstacles to the equal participation of women in the exercise of their representative mandates, since the data show the existence of male control of strategic positions in the Chamber of the Deputies.
Principal Investigator

Tássia Rabelo de Pinho
Professor, Universidade Federal da Paraíba