CSWEP-SSRC Women in Economics and Mathematics Research Consortium


This project involves a multistep, multisite, theory-informed randomized controlled trial designed to increase the presence and success of women in economics and mathematics. The project will make four contributions: (1) Add to the scant evidence about what deters or attracts women to economics and mathematics; (2) Intervene at understudied early stages (high school and incoming college students); (3) Test the interventions at multiple sites to assess scalability; and (4) Design the interventions so that the team can disentangle various mechanisms that contribute to low rates of participation in economics and mathematics by women.

Principal Investigator

Laura Gee

Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Tufts University

Co-Principal Investigators

Kristy Buzard

Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Syracuse University

Olga Stoddard

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Brigham Young University
