
SSRC Labs Offers Free, Interactive Online Course

The Digital Culture program’s SSRC Labs, teaching resources created in collaboration with partners in the digital humanities and computational social sciences, now includes a free, interactive online course on “Managing Qualitative Social Science Data,” developed in collaboration with the Qualitative Data Repository.

University of California, Irvine Joins College and University Fund for the Social Sciences

The University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine), is the latest member of the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences (CUF), a consortium of more than 30 esteemed educational institutions that partner with the Social Science Research Council to support the infrastructure of social science research, catalyze interdisciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration, and support scholars and scholarship. UC Irvine is the fourth member institution from the University of California system, joining UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Barbara. Bill Maurer, dean of the School of Social Sciences at UC Irvine, noted that its joining the College and University Fund stems

To Secure Knowledge: A Task Force of the Social Science Research Council

The Social Science Research Council has launched “To Secure Knowledge,” a task force that is born from the organization’s essential obligations to scholarship, the infrastructure of social research, standards of inquiry and evidence, and the role rigorous understanding plays in public affairs. “To Secure Knowledge” builds on the SSRC’s history of utilizing the instrument of a task force from time to time to address particularly pressing concerns. The most recent was a Katrina Task Force that investigated the social dimensions of the response to Hurricane Katrina, as well as lessons that could be applied to similar disasters in the future.

Launch of MediaWell Platform

Leading Research Council Announces New Digital Platform for Disinformation Scholarship The Social Science Research Council launched MediaWell, its latest initiative towards improving lives through healthier democracy WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, before an audience of policymakers, media, academics, and members of the public, the Social Science Research Council announced the launch of MediaWell, the Council’s latest digital initiative that represents an effort to unite the resources of academia to address the impact of disinformation on democracy. In light of the growing impacts of disinformation, misinformation, and fake news, scholars globally have increased their attention to studying these phenomena. The resulting volume of

Statement from Social Science Research Council President Alondra Nelson on the Social Media and Democracy Research Grants Program

For nearly a century, the Social Science Research Council has supported researchers as they pursue vanguard and rigorous scholarship for the public good. In keeping with this tradition, the Social Media and Democracy Research Grants program—a collaboration with a diverse group of eight philanthropic organizations, Social Science One, and Facebook—is an effort to make privacy-protected data available to social researchers to examine Facebook’s impact on elections and democracy.

The Claremont Colleges Join the College and University Fund for the Social Sciences

The Claremont Colleges, a consortium of liberal arts colleges and graduate institutions in Southern California, have joined SSRC’s College and University Fund for the Social Sciences, a group of esteemed educational institutions that provide annual financial support to enhance the infrastructure of social science research, to catalyze interdisciplinary and cross-institutional collaborations, and to support scholars and scholarship. “The SSRC greatly appreciates the Claremont Colleges’ expression of support for our work to build and enhance the ecology of social inquiry,” said SSRC president Alondra Nelson. “Through innovative teaching and vital research, the Claremont Colleges—a network of distinguished institutions—play an integral role in

SSRC President Meets with College and University Fund Institutions

SSRC president Alondra Nelson visited a number of College and University Fund member institutions during the 2017–2018 academic year—including Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, Swarthmore College, Indiana University, Arizona State University, the University of California, Davis, and the University of California, Santa Cruz—at each exploring issues such as the future of the social sciences, diversity in the academy, research methodology, and interdisciplinarity. Nelson met with administrators, faculty, and students to discuss issues confronting social scientists (and social-scientists-to-be) nationally and globally and share her vision for the SSRC and how the organization might help address these challenges. In these conversations, Nelson reiterated
