African Peacebuilding Network
The The APN IRF award supports up to nine months of field-based based research, analysis, and writing (six months of research and three months of analysis and writing) that contributes to knowledge production and policies shaping peacebuilding in Africa. Fellowship awards are up to $15,000.
Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa
The award is for doctoral students to take a one-year leave to focus on data analysis and scholarly writing tocomplete their doctoral dissertations and meet their degree requirements. Fellowship awards are up to $10,000.
The award is for doctoral students developing their dissertation proposal, supporting costs related to pre-field worksurveys, literature review, and dissertation proposal writing over three months. Fellowship awards are up to $3,000.
The award supports doctoral students carrying out fieldwork, collecting and analyzing data, and working on their literature review and dissertation writing. Fellowship awards are up to $15,000.