What is the length of time for a small grant, as envisioned by the program?
Small grants are intended to provide funding over a 12-month period, from August 2021 through August 2022.
What is the expected output for small grant recipients?
Activities undertaken during the grant period are intended to contribute to the ongoing development of the social sciences and the humanities, and of knowledge for the public good. Grantees will be encouraged to produce work resulting from their activities in forms most relevant to their project. This includes, but is not limited to, written pieces in relevant publications, the curation, preservation, or presentation of archival material, the development of creative media, and the creation of academic course materials. Project outputs need not be completed by the end of the grant period. However, your application should provide a clear indication of your intended outputs and their projected timelines.
Which fields are eligible?
We welcome the participation of a wide range of disciplinary and professional backgrounds as relevant to the specific needs and nature of any given project. In addition to professional researchers grounded in the social sciences, humanities, and data science, we welcome applications from practitioners, including but not limited to librarians and archivists, community researchers, artists, journalists, and social activists.
Is there a degree requirement?
There is no formal degree requirement for these grants. However, project leaders must demonstrate how their educational background, training, and/or professional experience, as well as personal experience, will equip them to successfully undertake their proposed activities.
Am I eligible to apply if I have previously received funding from the SSRC?
Yes, previous recipients of SSRC funding are eligible to apply.
Can individuals apply for small grants?
Yes, this competition is open to individual applicants.
How many members may my team consist of?
Your team may consist of up to four members. In addition to the project leader, the application allows for up to three team members.
What may small grants funds be used for?
Small research grants are intended to fund activities directly related to the establishment or facilitation of activities relevant to the production, collation, and dissemination of information relevant to the GU 272 and their descendants, such as (but not limited to): archival research or other data collection, content creation, and dissemination. Eligible expenses for these activities may include research equipment, research assistance, costs associated with virtual communications, limited travel and accommodation, and publication-related expenses. These grants may not be used as a substitute or supplement for institutional salaries.
If you anticipate needing support through the project leader’s institution, in the form of either direct administrative support or indirect costs/overhead, your budget should account for this as a line item. The amount allocated for institutional support should not exceed 10 percent, and should be included in the total budget, not in addition to it.
What constitutes “direct administrative support”?
In general, “direct administrative support” refers to the work of administrative staff who will actively help to administer the grant or organize activities related to the proposed project.
Application Process
Do I need to complete the application in one sitting?
No. You may return to the application as many times as needed until the application deadline. Please remember to save your work as you complete each section of the application and note that once applications are submitted, they cannot be altered.
Do I need to submit my application in English?
Yes. The online application form and all required documents should be completed in English.
May I submit my application by fax or email?
No. Applications should be submitted via the online application portal only.
How can I find out whether the program has received my application?
You will receive an automated email from the SSRC confirming submission of your application.
Application Components
What materials are required for planning grant applications?
In addition to completing the online application form, applicants should provide the following:
- Research proposal (up to six pages, double-spaced, including bibliography).
- Current CV/resume of the project leader and up to three team members, where relevant (up to two pages). CVs should include the following details: education and employment history, relevant research and/or practical experience, honors and awards, and professional affiliations. Where applicable, CVs/resumes may include a list of no more than three relevant publications.
- Proposed budget consisting of a budget outline and a brief budget narrative (up to two pages).
What are the requirements for the proposal?
Your proposal should consist of the following components, each section no more than one page:
- An introduction, which establishes your project topic, states the project goals, and outlines its significance.
- A brief discussion of the most relevant literature and/or recent work (e.g., museum exhibitions, archival projects, educational projects), and how your project intersects with this work.
- An explanation of the methods you will use to achieve your project goals. This section should explain how your chosen methodologies and activities are best suited to accomplish your project goals. In the case of team applications, it should also briefly outline the responsibilities of each team member.
- An outline of the project’s anticipated outcomes and impact. This may include outputs, such as publications, the development of creative media, or the creation of educational materials, among others.
- A timeline of the activities you intend to undertake during the period of August 2021–August 2022.
In addition to the above sections, your proposal should include a bibliography of works most relevant to your project (no more than one page).
- Length: Proposals should be no more than six pages in total (including bibliography).
- Spacing: The body text should use double spacing with one-inch margins; footnotes, if absolutely necessary, may use single spacing.
- Font: Preferred font is Times New Roman, 11 point. A smaller size may be used for footnotes.
- File type: Documents should be uploaded in PDF format.
What are the requirements for the proposed budget?
Your budget proposal should include an itemized budget and budget narrative, and should not exceed two pages. The aim of this section of your application is to demonstrate a well-considered use of funds in the designing of this proposed project. Your budget narrative should briefly explain how you arrived at all estimated and final figures. For example, if you request funds for equipment, you should provide details about the kind of equipment needed and how it will be used to further the aims of the project. In addition, if you indicated in the application form that you have received or applied for additional funding for this project through another source, your budget should account for how the various grants will be used together. Please note that final budgets are subject to approval by program staff.
Awarding of grants
What is the selection procedure?
Successful applications will be selected by a multidisciplinary panel, through a confidential review process. This selection committee will consist of experts in a range of social science and allied disciplines.