Academia Sinica, Taiwan, February 19-21, 2019 | Writing Workshop
The Social Science Research Council, the Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS, and the Institute of Ethnology at Academia Sinica are pleased to announce a workshop for early-career scholars based in Taiwan aimed at promoting the publication of research in international refereed journals. The workshop will take place on Tuesday to Thursday 19-21 February 2019 at the campus of Academia Sinica in Taipei.
This workshop is designed for advanced graduate students (ABD), junior faculty members (post-doctoral fellows and assistant professors), and researchers (assistant research fellows) based in Taiwan working in the fields of anthropology, area studies, history, geography, international relations, political science, or sociology. Scholars in other social science or humanities disciplines should consult with the Workshop Secretary about eligibility.
Applications will go through a two-stage screening process. Those interested in participating in the workshop are invited to submit an initial application form introducing themselves and their research. The form can be obtained from:
Ms. Ginger Chiang (江咨靜), Workshop Secretary
The Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, RCHSS
Academia Sinica
E-mail: gingertw@gate.sinica.edu.tw
The submission deadline is 18 August 2018 and successful applicants will receive an invitation to submit a draft article of 4,000 to 6,000 words. Workshop participants will be selected based on the potential of this essay to be developed into an article suitable for publication. The deadline for submitting manuscripts will be 25 November 2018, and the results will be announced by December 14th.
Structure of the Workshop
The workshop will take place over three full days, and participants are expected to attend all sessions.
- Day One will be devoted to presentations and discussions of strategies for publishing in international journals, with explanations of how the review process works and what authors can do to improve the likelihood that their work will pass an initial screening and be sent out for referees’ reports.
- On Day Two, participants will take part in small group sessions and individual consultations based on their research papers. These sessions will highlight strengths and weaknesses of the papers submitted for discussion, and ways that authors can present their research findings that will improve their chances of success. Individual sessions will include discussions of what authors need to do to prepare their manuscript for submission.
- On Day Three, participants will take part in practical exercises relating to the presentation of scholarly materials that demonstrate points raised on day two.
Support for Participants
Participant lodging (if necessary) and meals for the duration of the workshop will be covered through the partnership of the SSRC, the Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, and Institute for Ethnology.