The 2021 workshop will take place virtually Wednesday, January 27 through Friday, January 29, 2021. The workshop will require a 4-5 hour time commitment each day.
The mentors for this year’s workshop are:
Yoon Sun Yang, Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies, Boston University
Eleana Kim, Associate Professor, University of California Irvine
The SSRC Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop seeks to create a sustained network of advanced graduate students and faculty by providing the opportunity to give and receive critical feedback on dissertations in progress. The workshop is open to participants from all fields in the social sciences and humanities. Individual students lead discussions of their projects with mentor faculty and student peers from various disciplines to receive creative and critical input on improving their fieldwork plans or writing strategies. Based on narrative project descriptions submitted as part of the application packet, and a video submission after selection, participants will prepare questions and comments on all projects, from which broader methodological and thematic discussions will be developed and incorporated into the three-day agenda.
The workshop welcomes applications from students who have not yet begun fieldwork, who are currently in the field, and those who are in the process of writing their dissertations. SSRC will provide assistance to secure internet access and appropriate accommodations for participants whose current situations are not conducive to the dedicated engagement the workshop requires. Funding for the program is provided by the Academy of Korean Studies.
Eligibility and Application
- Full-time advanced graduate students, regardless of citizenship, are eligible for the workshop.
- Graduate students in degree-granting programs at institutions based in Korea are not eligible to apply.
- Applicants must have ABD (all but dissertation) status and an approved dissertation prospectus at the time of application, but cannot have completed writing for final submission.
- Special consideration will be given to students from universities that are not major Korean studies institutions.
A narrative description of the dissertation topic, short application form, and letter of recommendation from the student’s primary adviser are required as part of the application.
Learn more about the workshop and the experiences of past participants here.
Nicole Restrick Levit Fellowships Manager; Associate Director
Briyanna Brinson Program Assistant