The Social Science Research Council is building out a powerful tool to collect and share scholarship to wide audiences. We have developed Research AMP, a customizable platform for academics who want to foster collaborations, bridge disciplines, and translate their work to reach journalists, policy makers, and interested citizens. It is the first to unite free and open source tools already well known in the scholarly community—Zotero, WordPress, and PressForward—into one platform.
Research AMP allows users to collate and curate academic literature, news articles, blog posts, podcasts, and other work on a single topic into one place. Moreover, it allows users to create new content, like research reviews and articles, to bring the essential insights stemming from the collected research to new audiences. MediaWell was the first iteration of the Research AMP platform, which was later refined with the launch of Just Tech; we have brought what was learned in the process of building those two platforms to bear on the development of Research AMP.
The Mellon Foundation has supported the technical development of this project, and has helped us fund four research groups to build Research AMP platforms, at Georgetown University, the University of Illinois-Chicago, Teachers College at Columbia University, and the Cultural Studies Association.
More information, and a link to the documentation and technical information about the platform, can be found here: