The Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network (CA/AC Research Network) aims to strengthen and widen the reach of emerging cross-regional communities of research and practice that include Chinese, African, and Western researchers and research institutions. Originally established in 2007 as a small research working group at the Centre for Sociological Research at the University of Johannesburg, the CA/AC Research Network has grown rapidly to become a global network of researchers and practitioners. It provides a dynamic, virtual platform where members meet, debate, inquire, and stay in touch. The CA/AC Network also organizes participation in international and regional conferences, hosts its own workshops and conferences, and promotes publication in order to share cutting-edge research.
The SSRC provides direct support to strengthen and expand the CA/AC Research Network’s activities and listserv exchange, which is moderated by Dr. Yoon Jung Park. In addition to providing greater visibility to the work of the CA/AC Network and incubating a web presence, this partnership aims to develop a series of web-based resources to help strengthen scholarly and public debate and research collaboration around China and Africa. These would include online research and teaching resources (academic papers, syllabi, and bibliographies), a blog roll, profiles of leaders in this research space, and a searchable database of researchers.
If you wish to subscribe to the CA/AC Research Network listserv, please send your name, institutional affiliation and title, contact details, and a brief description of your research interests to