Research Brief

Disappearing across the border: circular return and the social dynamics of secrecy and concealment between Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement and eastern DRC

Tegenbos, Jolien


The Congo research briefs are a joint publication of the Conflict Research Group (CRG) at Ghent University, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and its Understanding Violent Conflict programme, the Study Group on Conflicts and Human Security (GEC-SH) at the University Research Center of Kivu (CERUKI), the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) and the Governance-in-Conflict Network (GiC). These provide concise and timely summaries of ongoing research on the Congo that is being undertaken by CRG, SSRC, GEC-SH, UNIKIN, GiC, and their partners.

 A note of gratitude to an anonymous Congolese research participant, professor dr. Koen Vlassenroot, dr. David Mwambari and dr. Naomi Pendle, for their much-appreciated comments on the paper. Thanks also to the remarks given at the workshop on ‘the politics of return’ in Gulu, July 2019, on a presentation that was based on this paper. Many thanks to the researchers in Goma and Bukavu who provided crucial orientation during my stay, help with paperwork and research permits, indispensable insights and analyses, and, at times, a much appreciated beer in the evening: Irène Bahati, Vianney Cukas Muderhwa, Stanislas Bisimwa Baganda, Christian Chiza Kashurha (in Bukavu), Chrispin Mvano and Olivier Ndoole (in Goma). Final credits to Sara Weschler for terrific language editing.

This work was supported by the Partnership for Conflict, Crime & Security Research, a Global Challenges Research Fund collaboration of the Economic and Social Research Council; and the Arts and Humanities Research Council [AH/P005454/1].

This research brief was undertaken under the auspices of the Conflict Research Programme (CRP). Research for this brief was funded by the SSRC through the Conflict Research Programme’s Small Grants fund supported by UK aid from the UK government; however, the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies. 

