Research Brief

From Biolegitimacy to Antihumanitarianism: Understanding People’s Resistance to Ebola Responses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Nyenyezi Bisoka, Aymar


The Congo research briefs are a joint publication of the Conflict Research Group (CRG) at Ghent
University, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), the Study Group on Conflicts and Human Security (GEC-SH) at the University Research Center of Kivu (CERUKI), and the Governance-in-Conflict Network (GiC). These provide concise and timely summaries of ongoing research on the Congo that is being undertaken by CRG, SSRC, GEC-SH, GiC, and their partners.

We are grateful for the comments received from An Ansoms and Cécile Giraud on earlier versions
of this paper.

This Congo Research Brief is an output of the Conflict Research Programme funded by UK Aid from the UK Government. The view expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.
