
HIV/AIDS, Gender, Human Security and Violence in Southern Africa

Klot, Jennifer, Juma, Monica


In the 10 years since the United Nations Security Council’s first resolution on HIV/AIDS, the pandemic has had far-reaching implications for human security. In sub-Saharan Africa, the epicentre of the pandemic, the consequences have been borne disproportionately by women. Violent conflicts and insecurity throughout the region, characterised by population movements, forced migration and environmental crises, have overwhelmed the capacity of states to provide preventative measures against HIV/AIDS, care and treatment. In many areas, the related stress factors on health systems and basic service provision have pushed community and kinship networks beyond their breaking points. The plight of women is exacerbated because they are vulnerable and at high risk of HIV infection, due to increased care burdens within the household and community, sexual and gender-based violence and exploitation, as well as coercive interpersonal relationships. This volume is a welcome addition to the literature on HIV/AIDS and should serve as a useful tool for activists, community health workers as well as for policy makers in the region.

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