
Researching Migration: Stories from the Field

DeSipio, Louis


An SSRC Book of essays by Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows designed to offer general lessons on the selection, combination, and use of various quantitative and qualitative research methods

In this web-publication, fellows of the International Migration Program reflect upon their experience conducting research on international migration to the United States. Although their essays describe the substantive findings of their research, their main focus is on the multiple methods employed in producing those findings. The narratives of methodological practices in this publication have been selected in part because they address central themes and questions of international migration studies and will be substantively relevant to the research findings of other scholars in the field. More significantly, the experiences of these researchers have broader relevance and can be useful to all social scientists who are wondering how to cope with the methodological issues that will ultimately determine the validity of their findings, both within the social sciences and for the public debates that they hope to inform.
