Abe Fellows Global Forum

Abe Global 2022 | Polishing Japan’s Silver: Aging Sustainably in the 21st Century

Across the world, societies are struggling to design sustainable policies for their aging populations. In much of the developed world, an increasing share of the population is over 60. In Japan, which has long been viewed as the pioneer “super-aging” society, nearly 30% of the population is now over 65. Individuals are living much longer lives due to improvements in nutrition and health care, while evolving lifestyles and shifting socio-economic conditions have kept birth rates at historic lows. The combination has produced a crisis in the social welfare systems which provide financial and care support for older citizens. The result …

Abe Global Washington, DC | Japanese and American Innovation in the Global Age

Event Livestream Overview Both the United States and Japan have long taken pride in their robust scientific research communities’ contributions to economic growth and human welfare. But the slowing pace and rising costs of research, along with strong competition from China and India, have challenged both governments to rethink their approaches to science and technology policy and set agendas that encourage innovation towards solving demanding social problems. The Abe Fellows Global Forum will bring together experts to discuss how the United States and Japan are responding to these challenges, as well as the rapidly rising innovation hubs in China, India,

Abe Global Atlanta | Japanese and American Innovation in a Global Age

Overview Both the United States and Japan have long taken pride in their robust scientific research communities’ contributions to economic growth and human welfare. But the slowing pace and rising costs of research, along with strong competition from China and India, have challenged both governments to rethink their approaches to science and technology policy and set agendas that encourage innovation towards solving demanding social problems. The Abe Fellows Global Forum will bring together experts to discuss how the United States and Japan are responding to these challenges, as well as the rapidly rising innovation hubs in China, India, and Singapore.

Abe Global Houston | Confronting Climate Change: What Can the US and Japan Contribute to Creating Sustainable Societies?

Overview Please click here to view a video of the event. Energy-intensive production has been both a leading contributor to climate change as well as one of the keys to modern economic growth over the last several centuries. In the post-WWII era, the “economic miracles” of Asian growth—starting with Japan, and followed by South Korea, Taiwan, China, and now increasingly India—have lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. At the same time, these “economic miracles” have created huge pollution problems which have adversely affected the health of millions of people while speeding up the effects of climate change. Some early

Abe Global Stanford | Confronting Climate Change: What Can the US and Japan Contribute to Creating Sustainable Societies?

Overview Energy-intensive production has been both a leading contributor to climate change as well as one of the keys to modern economic growth over the last several centuries. In the post-WWII era, the “economic miracles” of Asian growth—starting with Japan, and followed by South Korea, Taiwan, China, and now increasingly India—have lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. At the same time, these “economic miracles” have created huge pollution problems which have adversely affected the health of millions of people while speeding up the effects of climate change. Some early developers from this group—including Japan—have made efforts to

Abe Global NYC | Japan and the Leadership of the World Trading System

Broad structural changes over the last quarter century are reverberating through the global economy and the institutions that regulate it. Recent US policy has shifted away from a leadership position in both long-standing institutions such as the WTO and newer trade agreements such as TPP-11 and RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership). These shifts are creating room for stronger regional ties and raise the question of which nation(s) will lead trade initiatives in Asia. Additionally, a shift toward populism across the world threatens to lead countries towards greater economic protectionism. Our speakers addressed questions related to these issues as they relate
