Measure of America

County of Los Angeles 2017 Leadership Conference

Measure of America co-director Sarah Burd-Sharps participated in the County of Los Angeles’ 2017 Commissioners’ Leadership Conference, Embracing a Changing Demography as a speaker. Sarah presented the upcoming Portrait of Los Angeles County report to the County’s public policy community. See Sarah’s presentation here:      

Career360 Innovation Session

Measure of America co-director Kristen Lewis facilitated LeadersUp’s Career360 Innovation Session, a day-long convening of young adults, employers and community partners to brainstorm new solutions to help disconnected young adults achieve workforce readiness in Chicago. Kristen presented Measure of America’s latest findings on youth disconnection and led the group discussions.  

Webinar: Moving the Needle on Youth Disconnection

Measure of America and the National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education, and Families will host a joint webinar on MOA’s latest youth disconnection report. The expert panel in “Moving the Needle on Youth Disconnection: Insights from Measure of America’s New Report: ‘Promising Gains, Persistent Gaps: Youth Disconnection in America’” will feature MOA co-directors Sarah Burd-Sharps and Kristen Lewis, as well as NLC YEF Institute’s Director of Youth and Young Adult Connections, Andrew Moore. Please see description link to register.  

“Opening Doors for Youth” hosted by Rep. Bobby Scott

Congressman Bobby Scott will host “Opening Doors for Youth: Investments in Employment Opportunities for Opportunity Youth Are Investments in Our Communities and Our Nation”, a discussion with youth, community leaders, advocates, and experts about the Opening Doors for Youth Act, which would expand federal investment to maintain youth connected to school and work. Measure of America co-director Kristen Lewis will participate as a panelist and discuss the latest data and findings on youth disconnection.

New York City Council Hearing on Disconnected Youth

Measure of America codirector Sarah Burd-Sharps was asked to give expert testimony to the New York City Council’s Committee on Youth Services’ Task Force on Out of School, Out of Work Youth on November 22. Burd-Sharps apprised committee members of the key research data on disconnected youth, and discussed with the members the ramifications, potential and extant, of the disengagement of young people in the City. The hearing was led by Council member Dr. Mathieu Eugene, joined by Council members Margaret Chin, Laurie Cumbo, and Darlene Mealy. Joining Burd-Sharps in providing the task force with valuable insight on the issue were

Opportunity Youth San Diego Webinar

Kristen Lewis participated in “New Data on Youth Disconnection: State of Opportunity Youth in San Diego County,” a webinar unveiling the latest numbers on disconnected youth in San Diego calculated by Measure of America. The data is part of a collaboration between the San Diego Workforce Partnership and Measure of America to assess youth disconnection, set goals and track progress in the county. You can watch the recorded webinar and see the slides. For more information on the effort to reduce youth disconnection in San Diego, visit
