Found 3096 Results

Ridwan Kolawole

Competition: Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship 2020

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Doctoral Student, Department of Communication and Language Arts, University of Ibadan

Proposal Title: Exploratory Analysis of identity construction in Nigerian media framing in farmer-herder conflict in the North Central Nigeria

Yosef Jemberie

Competition: Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship 2020

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): PhD Candidate, Makerere Institute of Social Research, Makerere Univeristy

Proposal Title: The Making of State of Emergency: A Historical Critique of Modern Political Power in Ethiopia

Jacqueline Owigo

Competition: Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship 2021

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): United States International University-Africa

Yahya Sseremba

Competition: Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa 2021-2022

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Makerere Institute of Social Research, Makerere Univeristy

Proposal Title: A historical and political inquiry into the political violence in the Rwenzori area of Uganda

Maiko Ichihara

Competition: Abe Fellowship 2019

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Associate Professor, Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University

Proposal Title: Comparative Study of Regional Institutions for Democratic Defense: Seeking Methods for Regional Collaboration in Asia

Marie Seong-Hak Kim

Competition: Abe Fellowship 2019

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Professor, History, Saint Cloud State University

Proposal Title: History Is Not Destiny: Reframing Japan-South Korea Relations through the Rule of Law

Hiroyuki Iseki

Competition: Abe Fellowship 2019

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, University of Maryland-College Park

Proposal Title: A Comparative Study of Electric Vehicle Policies and Planning in Japan, the US, and the UK: Toward More Effective Adoption Strategies in Local and Regional Levels

Jeremiah Omotola

Competition: Collaborative Working Group Research Fellowships 2018-2019

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Political Science

Proposal Title: Herders-Farmers Conflicts in Africa: Historical Trajectories, “New” Issues, Responses and Lessons for Peacebuilding

Mame Penda Ba

Competition: Collaborative Working Group Research Fellowships 2018-2019

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): UFR des sciences juridiques et politiques


Jennifer Zelnick

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, University of California / Irvine

Proposal Title: Deported "Home?": Cambodian-Americans and the Limits of Legal Permanent Residency

Tingting Xu

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Art History/Architecture, University of Chicago

Proposal Title: Beyond Treaty Ports -- Early Chinese Photography: Practitioners, Trends, and Contexts

Brad Wright

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, Middle Tennessee State University

Proposal Title: Constructing Community, Contesting History: Popular Politics and Peripheral Citizenship in Urban Mexico, 1965-1993

Matthew Wormer

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, Stanford University

Proposal Title: Opium in the Age of Liberal Reform: Classical Political Economy and the Remaking of the British Empire, 1783 - 1839

Rixt Woudstra

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Art History/Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Proposal Title: Minimal Needs, Minimum Standards: Housing, Welfare and Building Research in British Sub-Saharan Africa, 1945-1968

Tara Weinberg

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, University of Michigan

Proposal Title: Property of the People: Land Claims, Law and Power in 20th Century South Africa

Maya Wind

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Area and Cultural Studies, New York University (NYU)

Proposal Title: The Israeli Security Model as a Labor Regime

Leniqueca Welcome

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania

Proposal Title: Life as Threat: The Transnational Securitization of Place and Subjectivity in Trinidad and Tobago

Jeremy Simmons

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Classical Studies, Columbia University

Proposal Title: Beyond the Periyar: A History of Consumption in Indo-Roman Trade (100 BCE-400 CE)

Kelsey Utne

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, Cornell University

Proposal Title: Corpses, Colonialism, and the Politics of Dead Bodies in 20th Century South Asia

Madina Thiam

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, University of California / Los Angeles

Proposal Title: Writing, Walking, Webbing the World: Travels, Thought, and Global Echoes from the Modern Western Sahel

Samee Sulaiman

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, Brown University

Proposal Title: Disability Rights in Lebanon: An Ethnography of Disability, Sovereignty, and Citizenship in the Aftermath of Civil War

Shivani Sud

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Art History/Architecture, University of California / Berkeley

Proposal Title: Rajput Painting and its Transcultural Histories: The Jaipur School of Painting, 1866-1916

Jake Silver

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, Duke University

Proposal Title: Political and Astronomical Horizons

Elizabeth Shoffner

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Geography, University of Washington

Proposal Title: Conservation Practice and Inter-Epistemic Encounters: Negotiated Decoloniality along the Río Uruguay

Gianni Sievers

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2018

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): South Asia Studies, University of Pennsylvania

Proposal Title: Music, Sound and the City: Listening Practices and Muslim Identities in Colonial North India, c.1830-1920
