Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa

Virtual Book Discussion: Transnational Activities of Women-Focused Civil Society Actors in Southern Africa – September 25, 2024

The virtual book discussion for Transnational Activities of Women-Focused Civil Society Actors in Southern Africa began with opening remarks and the introduction of one of the book’s co-authors, Dr. Cecilia Nedziwe, by the moderator, Dr. Cyril Obi, Director of the SSRC’s APN and Next Gen Program. The book discussion was led by three speakers: Prof. Siphokazi Magadla, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Political and International Studies at Rhodes University, Dr. Lilian N.S. Kong’ani, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cape Town, and Erin Hazan, PhD Candidate at the University of the Witwatersrand. Dr. Cecilia Nedziwe thanked …

The Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa Program Celebrates Ten Years of Funding Doctoral Studies in Africa

The Social Science Research Council is thrilled to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa program, supporting PhD students in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and South Africa at each phase of their doctoral journey, from the formative stages of proposal development through dissertation research and completion. To mark the program’s anniversary, the SSRC presents a series of essays exploring Next Gen’s goals and impact over the past decade as well as a brochure highlighting key doctoral projects and publications from alumni.  Watch the following video celebrating the program’s work over the course of ten

Research Workshop on Disinformation, Democratic Processes, and Conflict Prevention

On January 30, 2020, the SSRC convened the second research workshop of its Academic Network on Peace, Security, and the United Nations in New York, an initiative of the Council’s Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum (CPPF) and its Understanding Violent Conflict (UVC) Program. This workshop, on “Disinformation, Democratic Processes, and Conflict Prevention,” examined the frameworks, findings, and debates in emerging scholarship on information disorder and the linkages between disinformation, elections, hate speech, and identity-based violence. Participants drew on cases in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. The workshop also explored the ways in which disinformation affects the UN conflict prevention agenda, and how the UN

Next Generation African Peacebuilding: New Voices, Perspectives, and Approaches

Next generation African peacebuilding: new voices, perspectives and approaches (WP1676) Wilton Park, in collaboration with the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the African Leadership Centre (ALC), organized and hosted a conference on “Next generation African peacebuilding: new voices, new networks and new strategies” in Steyning, England, from April 10-12, 2019. The three-day conference was supported by Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY). This conference is the fifth in an annual series on peacebuilding in Africa that started in 2015. Previous events assessed the changing dynamics of conflict and other evolving challenges, the ways in which African peacebuilding actors have

Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa joint Bi-Annual Fellows Workshop

The Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen) and African Peacebuilding Network (APN) program of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) held a week-long joint workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for the 2019 cohort of APN Individual Research Grant (IRG) recipients and the 2019 cohort of Next Gen fellows. The workshop was organized in collaboration with the University Dar es Salaam from December 9th to 14th, 2019. 24 Next Gen Proposal Development and Dissertation Research fellows were joined by six experienced and scholars and Next Gen board members in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for a four-day workshop event including
