- This event has passed.
On 14 and 15 July 2015, the SSRC’s China-Africa Knowledge Project, in collaboration with the United Nations Association of China, the American Friends Service Committee, and the Quaker United Nations Office convened a workshop entitled “Emerging Views on Global Peace Practice: New Directions in UN Peace Operations” to discuss current UN peace practice. The workshop, held around the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, brought together a network of Chinese, African, and western scholars and some expert practitioners.
It sought to consider, examine China’s engagement on issues of women, peace and security in light of the High-Level eview of Security Council Resolution 1325, and assess key challenges in the implementation of the Reviews’ recommendations. Tatiana Carayannis, deputy director of the Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum and project director of the China-Africa Knowledge Project co-chaired the event.