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Virtual Book Launch: The Failure and Feasibility of Capitalism in Africa

The event started with opening remarks and an introduction of the author, Kenneth Omeje, and two discussants, Ndongo Samba Sylla and Toni Haastrup, by the moderator and director of the SSRC’s APN and NextGen program, Cyril Obi. This was followed by an overview of the book by the author. He identified the main objectives of the book as providing a critical assessment of capitalism in Africa, providing explanations for the failure of capitalism to lead to Africa’s development, and exploring options of transforming African political systems in ways that could lift millions of Africans out of poverty. Omeje noted that …

Abe Global 2022 | Polishing Japan’s Silver: Aging Sustainably in the 21st Century

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Across the world, societies are struggling to design sustainable policies for their aging populations. In much of the developed world, an increasing share of the population is over 60. In Japan, which has long been viewed as the pioneer “super-aging” society, nearly 30% of the population is now over 65. Individuals are living much longer lives due to improvements in nutrition and health care, while evolving lifestyles and shifting socio-economic conditions have kept birth rates at historic lows. The combination has produced a crisis in the social welfare systems which provide financial and care support for older citizens. The result …

Guatemala Series No. 2 (VTC)

CPPF convened its fourteenth virtual meeting among Guatemalan civil society members to brainstorm opportunities to address rule of law and corruption issues in Guatemala.

Conference on Conflict and Peacebuilding in North Africa and the Sahel

The Social Science Research Council’s (SSRC’s) African Peacebuilding Network (APN), in collaboration with the African Leadership Center (ALC) of Kings College London, and Wilton Park held a two-day virtual conference on “Conflict and Peacebuilding in Sahel and North Africa.” The conference was the latest in the “Peacebuilding in Africa” series launched in 2015 aimed towards “moving peacebuilding beyond state and elite-centered approaches to encompass the wider communities involved in conflict, including, youth and women’s networks on the continent.” The event explored the connections between peacebuilding and the “historical and extensive socio-cultural, economic, and strategic connections between North Africa and the …

CPPF Haiti Workshop (VTC)

CPPF convened a workshop on Haiti to help inform the review of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH). This workshop provided a deep-dive into current political, governance, and socioeconomic dynamics, as well as the role and impact of the UN in Haiti.

Launch Event: Just Tech Platform

On March 1, the Social Science Research Council will launch the Just Tech platform, a new website dedicated to mapping research and showcasing scholars and practitioners leading the field of social justice and emergent technology. The platform is a project of the Council's Just Tech program, which investigates questions of power, justice, and the public impact of new technologies while imagining and creating more just and equitable futures. Join us at 1:00 p.m. on March 1 to celebrate the Just Tech platform launch with a live demo and Q&A session, featuring remarks from Ruha Benjamin, Timnit Gebru, Alondra Nelson, and …

The Future of the (non) Maghreb Peace and Integration

The Social Science Research Council’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and the Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis (MIPA) held a webinar on “The Future of (non)Maghreb Peace ad Integration.” The webinar provided an opportunity to brainstorm the implication of the persistent paralysis in North African integration and its implication for peace and security in the region. Participants included experts and activists, APN fellows and alumni, scholars, and practitioners in the field. The event commenced with welcome remarks by the Director of the SSRC’s African Peacebuilding Network (APN) and Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa program, Cyril Obi, who chaired and moderated …

CPPF-Project Canopy Presentation on Central Africa

On 14 April 2022, CPPF held a brownbag meeting for the UN in partnership with Project Canopy on the geospatial mapping of deforestation and conflict in Central Africa. The meeting brought together UN officials of the Climate Security Mechanism and UN officials from the geospatial team to discuss an online environmental conflict platform for Central Africa.

Book Talk – Roadblock Politics: The Origins of Violence in Central Africa

On 14 April 2022, UVC, in partnership with the New School Julien J. Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs, organized a book talk on Peer Schouten's recently published book Roadblock Politics: The Origins of Violence in Central Africa. The talk featured Tatiana Carayannis and Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja, Democratic Republic of the Congo's Ambassador to the United Nations.

CPPF Expert Brainstorming on Syria (VTC)

At the request of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, CPPF held an expert workshop on Syria. This meeting aimed to reflect on national and regional trends and developments eleven years after the start of the Syrian war, and on the role of the UN’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic.
