
SSRC/NEH Sustaining Humanities Infrastructure Program (SHIP)

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a wide-ranging impact across the humanities sector, affecting staffing, programs, project infrastructure, and institutions that are essential to maintaining the advancement of humanities knowledge in communities across the country.

Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology

The Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology recognizes students in the social sciences who incorporate visual analysis in their work. It is named for Rachel Dorothy Tanur (1958–2002), an urban planner and lawyer who cared deeply about people and their lives and was an acute observer of living conditions and human relationships.

Transregional Collaborative Research Grants

The Social Science Research Council’s Transregional Collaboratory on the Indian Ocean was established in 2019, with generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, to catalyze research into the intersections of social and environmental change in the region.

Democratic Anxieties in the Americas Research Grants

This collaboration between SSRC’s Anxieties of Democracy (AOD) and Drugs, Security and Democracy (DSD) programs seeks to support research that (i) deepens understanding of key challenges such as democratic erosion and authoritarian drift; political inequalities, including voter suppression; political mobilization and participation of women and minorities; and corruption and the rule of law; and (ii) employs a comparative perspective or is relevant to a comparative dialogue on the sources of and solutions to democratic anxieties in the Americas.

Social Media and Democracy Research Grants

Overview This grant opportunity is no longer accepting applications and remains for reference purposes. The Social Science Research Council no longer administers the peer review and data ethics review process for data granted through the Social Science One process. For updates about the Social Data Initiative, please click here. The Social Media and Democracy Research Grants support research that examines the impact of social media and related digital technologies on democracy and elections, in order to generate insights and advance new avenues for inquiry in an independent, transparent, and ethical way, according to the highest standards of data privacy and academic

Book Manuscript Completion Grants

The African Peacebuilding Network (APN) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) invites letters of interest from Alumni and current grantees to transform their APN projects or related peacebuilding research into publishable book manuscripts.

Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network Grants

With the generous support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the 2021 Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network Grants competition aims to address some of the unique challenges posed to researchers during this unprecedented time.

Mellon Mays Predoctoral Research Grants

The Graduate Initiatives Program offers three predoctoral grant opportunities: the Graduate Studies Enhancement Grant (GSE), the Predoctoral Research Development Grant (PRD), and the Dissertation Completion Grant (DCG).

Transregional Planning Grants

The Collaboratory invites proposals for 12-month planning grants to develop collaborative research projects that deepen understanding of the effects of political, economic, and social processes in contexts of profound climate and environmental change in and across Indian Ocean countries.

Negotiating Agreement in Congress Research Grants

The Negotiating Agreement in Congress Research Grants initiative, which ran from December 2016 to January 2019, provided funding to two cohorts of researchers with diverse backgrounds and sets of expertise to study legislative negotiations in Congress. It is no longer accepting applications.
