People raised hand air fighting for protest


CPPF helps deepen the UN’s and other multilateral stakeholders’ understanding of how disinformation impacts the UN prevention agenda, and how the UN system can better identify, track, and respond to the negative impacts of disinformation and hate speech where the UN is engaged.

Disinformation and hate speech are raising urgent and complex geopolitical questions that challenge the UN and its international partners. These emerging challenges are transforming how societies grapple with democratic processes, as well as how and when violence emerges and occurs. 

CPPF activities include making the findings of emerging scholarship on information disorder and its links with elections, hate speech, and identity-based violence accessible to UN practitioners. We do this by leveraging the major work on these questions being undertaken by CPPF’s parent institution, the Social Science Research Council, and by bringing scholars and experts working on disinformation around the world together with UN counterparts, including through the Academic Network on Peace, Security, and the United Nations, which CPPF convenes.
