The Drugs, Security and Democracy (DSD) Program strives to create a stronger, more systematized knowledge base on drugs in Latin America and the Caribbean; to build capacity—both institutional and individual—by supporting relevant research; and to encourage policy-relevant, evidence-based research that informs the development of alternatives to present-day drug policies in the region and beyond.

The program supports research on drugs, including their relationship to citizen security and democratic governance, across a variety of disciplines—anthropology, criminology, economics, history, international relations, journalism, legal studies, political science, public health, public policy, sociology, and other related fields. The program seeks to foster a global interdisciplinary network of researchers engaged with drug policy, committed to policy-relevant outcomes, and who can communicate their findings to relevant audiences.

The DSD Program achieves its goals through various activities, including a fellowship competition, short-term targeted research projects, thematic workshops, and partnerships with relevant stakeholders in the field of drugs.

DSD Program is funded by the Open Society Foundations. 

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