SSRC Fellow Initiative

2022 SSRC Katznelson Fellow Lecture:
Mario Small

Live Stream ▼ Mario Small Quetelet Professor of Social Science at Columbia University who will speak on Why Big Data Science Will Need Qualitative Research: A Case on Racial Inequality in Financial Access followed by a response from Sandra Susan Smith Daniel & Florence Guggenheim Professor of Criminal Justice, Harvard Kennedy School Director, Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy ––––––––––––– Friday, September 23, 2022 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Eastern About the Lecture The data revolution in social science has inspired researchers to use massive, newly available datasets from private and public sources to understand social phenomena. The trend may suggest to …

Announcing the Inaugural SSRC Katznelson Fellow: Mario Small

The Social Science Research Council is proud to announce that Dr. Mario Small is the inaugural SSRC Katznelson Fellow. Named in honor of former SSRC president Ira Katznelson, this annual fellowship recognizes distinguished scholars whose research, pedagogy, and writing exemplify innovation and boundary crossing in the social sciences. Small will deliver the first annual SSRC Katznelson Lecture on September 23, 2022.

2021 SSRC Fellow Lecture: Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Pratap Bhanu Mehta Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton University Speaks on: Universities and Intellectual Life in The Age of Populism Wednesday, November 3, 2021 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM (ET) followed by an informal conversation with Ira Katznelson Former SSRC President Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History, Columbia University  Anna Harvey SSRC President Professor of Politics and Director, Public Safety Lab, New York University   Event Recording About the Lecture Across the world, from Hungary to India, United States to Brazil, universities are increasingly becoming sites for battles over populism. Although the contexts vary, the

2020 SSRC Fellow Seminar with Aihwa Ong

Near-Humans, Cloned Monkeys, & CRISPR Babies: Productive Uncertainty in China’s Quest for Biosecurity September 24, 2020 The Social Science Research Council invites applications to participate in an exclusive seminar on “Near-Humans, Cloned Monkeys, & CRISPR Babies: Productive Uncertainty in China’s Quest for Biosecurity” led by the Council’s 2020 SSRC Fellow, Professor Aihwa Ong. The seminar will take place via Zoom on Thursday, September 24, 2020, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. eastern time. The SSRC Fellow initiative invites distinguished scholars to the Council to strengthen research and programming in the areas in which we currently work or aspire to work. Professor

“Equality in a New Age of Inequalities,” a lecture by Pierre Rosanvallon

On November 12, 2015, Roosevelt House welcomed the Social Science Research Council’s Anxieties of Democracy program in a continuing series during which scholars and practitioners analyze current anxieties of democracy. The evening featured Professor Pierre Rosanvallon of the Collège de France in his inaugural lecture as the Council’s first Democracy Fellow. His lecture and the ensuing dialogue with the audience sought to energize the conversation and inspire thoughtful and original solutions to the growing democratic problem of inequality. The event was introduced and moderated by Ira Katznelson, President of the Social Science Research Council, Ruggles Professor of Political Science and

2015 Democracy Seminar with Professor Pierre Rosanvallon

Professor Pierre Rosanvallon, the Anxieties of Democracy program’s inaugural Democracy Fellow, led a two-part Seminar on current ‘anxieties of democracy’ with twelve doctoral students, representing a range of disciplines and universities, who competed for a spot at the table. Pierre Rosanvallon, Professor and Chair of Modern and Contemporary History of Politics at the Collège de France, is renowned for his original historical and theoretical approach to the study of contemporary democracy. He has just released Le bon gouvernement (Seuil, 2015), the fourth volume in a series on the transformations of democracy in the twenty-first century. Seminar Participants Sarah DeMott (International

‘Ways Democracy Can Slip Away,’ a talk by Charles Taylor

The Anxieties of Democracy program is pleased to invite you to its first public 2016 ‘Democracy in the City’ event, at Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute on Monday, October 17, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Join us and Professor Charles Taylor, our 2016 Democracy Fellow, for this examination of the fragility of democracy on the eve of the 2016 election. Introduced and moderated by the eminent political theorist Nancy Rosenblum, Charles Taylor’s talk, the ensuing dialogue with the audience, and the reception afterward seek to invigorate a thoughtful public conversation about current stressors on democratic theory and practice. You may find

2016 Democracy Seminar with Professor Charles Taylor

As part of his residency with us in 2016, Professor Charles Taylor, the Anxieties of Democracy program’s second Democracy Fellow, led a two-part Seminar on current ‘anxieties of democracy’. Twelve doctoral students, from diverse disciplines and universities, competed for a spot at the table. This year, The New Yorker’s Joshua Rothman was also in attendance, and featured Taylor’s Democracy Seminar and its participants in his widely-circulated piece, ‘How to Restore Your Faith in Democracy.’ Charles Taylor is Emeritus Professor at McGill University and the recipient of the prestigious Berggruen, John W. Kluge, Templeton, and Kyoto prizes, among other honors. Regarded

“Political Equality,” a public talk by Danielle Allen

Renowned scholar, author and political theorist Danielle Allen concluded her activities as the 2017 Democracy Fellow of the SSRC’s Anxieties of Democracy program last week with a public lecture in New York City. Professor Allen presented a powerful, provocative lecture on political equality to a capacity audience at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College Nov. 16, followed by a response from NYU Law professor Jeremy Waldron. Following the formal program Professor Allen signed copies of her recent books Cuz: The Life and Times of Michael A and Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in

2019 SSRC Fellow Lecture: Lorraine Daston

About the Lecture Long before there were computers or even reliable calculating machines, there were algorithms, recipes, and other rigid rules. But for just as long, stretching back to ancient Greece and Rome and continuing through the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, the rule-as-algorithm coexisted peacefully and fruitfully with another idea of a rule: the rule-as-pattern. For us, who live in the age of algorithms, this centuries-long cohabitation between the most rigid of rules—the algorithm to be followed to the letter—and the most supple of rules—the pattern or model to be imitated but not slavishly copied—seems paradoxical. Lorraine Daston’s new
