
Frontiers in Social and Behavioral Science – June 2024

Frontiers in Social and Behavioral Science features new research in the flagship journals of the Social Science Research Council’s founding disciplinary associations. Every month we publish a new selection of articles from the most recent issues of these journals, marking the rapid advance of the frontiers of social and behavioral science.

SSRC Launches New Online Knowledge Platform

The Social Science Research Council has launched Intersections, a new online knowledge platform that curates and synthesizes research evidence on the role of religion in international affairs. Leveraging the infrastructure of the SSRC’s Research Area Mapping Platform (RAMP) initiative, its mission is to act as a resource for researchers, policymakers, media professionals, and the wider public.

The Evidence-to-Policy Pipeline

May 23rd, 2024 | 2:00 PM Eastern

In this installment of our Research to Solve Problems lecture series, Eva Vivalt (University of Toronto) will discuss her research conducted with policymakers, practitioners, and researchers at World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank workshops. The results illustrate how each of these three groups respond to and weigh evidence when it is presented to them, and which types of evidence policymakers tend to weigh more heavily.

2024 Data Fluencies Dissertation Grantees Announced

The Social Science Research Council is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 Data Fluencies Dissertation Grants, in partnership with Simon Fraser University and with support from the Mellon Foundation. The awards will support five Ph.D. students’ research projects on just and equitable uses of information, data, and technology.

Frontiers in Social and Behavioral Science – May 2024

Frontiers in Social and Behavioral Science features new research in the flagship journals of the Social Science Research Council’s founding disciplinary associations. Every month we publish a new selection of articles from the most recent issues of these journals, marking the rapid advance of the frontiers of social and behavioral science.

The Inter-American Foundation Research Fellowship Program

Together with the Inter-American Foundation, we are pleased to announce a new fellowship opportunity to advance rigorous field-based research on actionable questions about community-led development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

How Can Scholars Help to Embed Institutions of Public-Sector Change?

April 18th, 2024 | 2:00 PM Eastern
In this installment of our Research to Solve Problems lecture series, Donald Moynihan (Georgetown University) will discuss how social and behavioral scientists interested in the applied study of public services can think about ways for their research to have an impact. Professor Moynihan will draw from his experience studying government processes to discuss the purposeful framing of public problems, and how researchers can design solutions of interest to policymakers.

The SSRC Joins the UN’s Scientific Advisory Network

The SSRC has been asked to join the UN’s new scientific advisory network, sharing insights into how the social and behavioral sciences might contribute to more effective science and technology policy. In this post, SSRC President Anna Harvey shares the SSRC’s initial contributions on the UN’s priority issues of artificial intelligence, climate change, and biotechnology.
