Found 56 Results
Research Brief
Projets de sécurisation foncière formalisée à l’épreuve d’un déficit d’appropriation au Sud Kivu (RD Congo).
Making Sense of Repressive Actions Against Artisanal Miners in Southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Working Paper
L’Insécurité Dans La Plaine De La Ruzizi Hier Et Aujourdi’Hui: Repenser Les Perspectives De Paix
Literature Review
Field of Disinformation, Democratic Processes, and Conflict Prevention: A Scan of the Literature
Research Brief
Disappearing across the border: circular return and the social dynamics of secrecy and concealment between Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement and eastern DRC
Research Brief
Recycling as bricolage in the Congolese National Police: Lessons from police training in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Research Brief
Constructed Anarchy: Governance, Conflict, and Precarious Property Rights in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Competing networks and political order in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a literature review on the logics of public authority and international intervention.