
Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa: Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship

The doctoral dissertation research fellowship supports 6-12 months of dissertation research costs of up to US$15,000 on a topic related to peace, security, and development. This program also offers two workshops each year to help fellows to further develop and strengthen their research, engage key literature in their fields, embark on fieldwork-based research, and develop their capacity for scholarly writing, including academic publications.

Residential Postdoctoral Fellowships

The residential postdoctoral fellowship is directed toward African PhDs based in African universities who are in the early postdoctoral phase of their scholarly careers. It is meant to help young post-doctoral scholars complete ongoing research projects specifically focusing on an area of African peacebuilding.

African Peacebuilding Network: Collaborative Working Group Research Fellowships

The African Peacebuilding Network (APN) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) invites applications from senior African academics and researchers based at universities in Africa to assemble and lead collaborative research projects intended to inform policy and practice on conflict and peacebuilding on the continent.

African Peacebuilding Network: Individual Research Fellowships

The Individual Research Fellowships program is a vehicle for enhancing the quality and visibility of independent African peacebuilding research both regionally and globally, while making peacebuilding knowledge accessible to key policymakers and research centers of excellence in Africa and around the world.

Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network Grants

With the generous support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the 2021 Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network Grants competition aims to address some of the unique challenges posed to researchers during this unprecedented time.

Mellon Mays Predoctoral Research Grants

The Graduate Initiatives Program offers three predoctoral grant opportunities: the Graduate Studies Enhancement Grant (GSE), the Predoctoral Research Development Grant (PRD), and the Dissertation Completion Grant (DCG).

Transregional Planning Grants

The Collaboratory invites proposals for 12-month planning grants to develop collaborative research projects that deepen understanding of the effects of political, economic, and social processes in contexts of profound climate and environmental change in and across Indian Ocean countries.

Transregional Research Junior Scholar Fellowship: InterAsian Contexts and Connections

Overview Since 2012, and with generous funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the SSRC has offered a Transregional Research Fellowship program aimed at supporting and promoting excellence in transregional research under the rubric InterAsian Contexts and Connections. These fellowships serve to strengthen the understanding of issues and geographies that do not fit neatly into existing divisions of academia or the world and to develop new approaches, practices, and opportunities in international, regional, and area studies. In addition, the fellowships establish structures for linking scholars across disciplines in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Since its inception, the intellectual thrust
