

What scholarship, literature and art might help contextualize the multifaceted impact of Covid-19? The wealth of scholarship on public health, disease outbreaks, pandemics and other social shocks helps to orient the Covid-19 crisis, revealing contours that are both unprecedented and familiar. This crowdsourced list of resources, curated by SSRC president Alondra Nelson, sheds light on the multifaceted implications and effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic for global health, political economy, governance, stigma and racism, inequality, and as conveyed in literature, media and the arts.

2021 College and University Fund Talks

With “CUF Talks,” the SSRC’s College and University Fund for the Social Sciences invites scholars from across our networks to weigh in on a range of themes of critical interest to social scientists and university administrators.

Just Tech Platform

The Just Tech platform is a forum, catalogue, and showcase for researchers and practitioners at the nexus of technological development, inequity, and social justice.

Politics of Return (PoR)

The Politics of Return research project, is a three-year LSE project funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council from 2017-2019 on the dynamics of ‘return and reintegration’ in the central and eastern African countries of Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and South Sudan through an ethnography of return and social repair in order to provide practical and policy support to international and national projects and programs aimed at facilitating the return of refugees and the displaced to their ‘homes’. UVC Director Tatiana Carayannis is one of the co-investigators of the consortium and will manage the research activities in the Democratic Republic

FLAKC-Supported Course on Popular Sovereignty

The aim of the Fostering Liberal Arts Knowledge and Connections program is to nurture and support faculty collaboration across disciplines with the goal of enriching teaching and research at liberal arts colleges and research universities and promoting the interplay between teaching and research. Our development and support of courses on popular sovereignty at over five institutions, as well as our work developing an edited volume on the topic, has enhanced collaboration in both teaching and research for scholars and enriched undergraduate teaching for students and faculty. A retreat in January 2017 brought together faculty across disciplines and institutional types for

Religion, Media, and Digitization

The Religion, Media, and Digitization project aims to better understand transformations in scholarly communication and journalism about religion and to facilitate critical discussion of these shifts.

Religion and International Affairs

The SSRC’s project on religion and international affairs works to build stronger and more meaningful connections among an interdisciplinary network of scholars engaged in the study of religion in global perspective.

New Directions in the Study of Prayer

NDSP aimed to generate innovative research on practices of prayer and to foster the development of an interdisciplinary network of scholars engaged in studies that enhance knowledge of the social, cultural, psychological, and cognitive dimensions of prayer.

Working Papers

The APN Working Papers series publishes independent research that provides critical overviews and reflections on the state of the field, stimulates new thinking on overlooked or emerging areas of African peacebuilding, and engages scholarly and policy communities with a vested interest in building peace on the continent.

CGP-SSRC Policy Forum

A project of the Abe Fellowship Program, the CGP-SSRC Policy Forum draws on the expertise and competencies of both the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP) and the Social Science Research Council. The CGP-SSRC Policy Forums bring together academics, practitioners, policy actors, and journalists to work toward the goal of long-term, policy-oriented solutions to issues of global public consequence and to develop networks that will lessen the gaps between research, policy, and practice.
