Found 3096 Results

Matthias vom Hau

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2003

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Sociology, Brown University

Proposal Title: Contested Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Nationalism in Argentina, Mexico, and Peru, 1880-1950

Mark Rowe

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2003

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Religion, Princeton University

Proposal Title: A Grave Crisis: Burial Societies and the New Japanese Buddhism

Natasha Iskander

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2003

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Proposal Title: Innovating Government: Forging a Synergistic Relationship between Migration and Economic Development in Mexico and Morocco

Matthew Hopper

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2003

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, University of California / Los Angeles

Proposal Title: The African Presence in Arabia: The Economic and Cultural Legacy of the African Diaspora in Eastern Arabia, 1820-1948

Edin Hajdarpasic

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2003

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, University of Michigan

Proposal Title: Alternative Visions of Modernity: The Search for a Viable Polity in Mid-Nineteenth Century Bosnia, 1850-1882

Zeynep Gursel

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2003

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, University of California / Berkeley

Proposal Title: The Image Industry: The Work of International News Photographs in the Age of Digital Reproduction

Mark Carey

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2003

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, University of California / Davis

Proposal Title: Grappling with Glaciers: Climate Change and Soceity in the Peruvian Andes, 1941-2002

Ngonidzashe Munemo

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2004

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Political Science, Columbia University

Proposal Title: Incumbent Insecurity and the Politics of Entitlement Protection in Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe

Kathleen Keller

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2004

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Proposal Title: Colonial Suspects: Suspicious Persons and Police Surveillance in French West Africa, 1920-1958

Azra Hromadzic

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2005

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania

Proposal Title: Emerging Citizens: Youth, Education, and Democratization in Post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina

Jane Ferguson

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2005

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, Cornell University

Proposal Title: The National Politics of Local Digital Media in Mae Hong Son, Thailand

Jennifer Derr

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2005

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, Stanford University

Proposal Title: The Development of the Egyptian Sugar Industry, 1850-1950: Geography, Authority and Community in Southern Egypt

Bianca Dahl

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2005

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Human Development, University of Chicago

Proposal Title: Left Behind? The Socialization of Orphaned Children in Contemporary Botswana

Alice Weinreb

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2006

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, University of Michigan

Proposal Title: Nourishing Socialism: Food, Bodies, and the Building of a National Identity in Early Cold War East Germany

Romola Sanyal

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2006

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Architecture, University of California / Berkeley

Proposal Title: An Architecture of Displacement: Spatializing Identity in the Refugee Spaces of Beirut and Calcutta

Ahmed el Shamsy

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2006

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History and Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University

Proposal Title: The Role of Legal Maxims in the Development of Islamic Law

Sara Smith

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2007

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Geography, University of Arizona

Proposal Title: Embodied Histories: Women, Religion and Family Decisions in Leh, Ladakh, India

Miriam Kingsberg

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2007

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, University of California / Berkeley

Proposal Title: "Opium Modernity" in Early Twentieth-Century Dairen

Brent Kaup

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2007

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Sociology, University of Wisconsin / Madison

Proposal Title: (Un-)Binding Bolivia? Negotiating with "Nature" in an Age of Neoliberal Globalization

Amrita Pande

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2008

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Sociology, University of Massachusetts

Proposal Title: Commercial Surrogate Mothering In India: Nine Months Of Labor?

Susan Johnson-Roehr

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2008

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Art History, University of Illinois / Urbana-Champaign

Proposal Title: Space, Time and Architecture: The Spatialization of Knowledge and Power at the Astronomical Observatories of Sawai Jai Singh II, 1721-1743

Adam Bronson

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2008

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, Columbia University

Proposal Title: Democracy, Science, and Everyday Life: Science of Thought and Postwar Japan, 1946-1996

Bernard Dubbeld

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2009

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Anthropology, University of Chicago

Proposal Title: Building a Respectable Home: Security and Social Differentiation in the KwaZulu-Natal Hinterland

Nicholas Smith

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2009

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): Political Science, University of Chicago

Proposal Title: Citizen Tsotsi: Violent Crime in Democratic South Africa

Seiji Shirane

Competition: International Dissertation Research Fellowship 2011

Institutional Affiliation (at time of award): History, Princeton University

Proposal Title: Japan's Maritime Gate: Colonial Taiwan in the Making of a Southern Empire, 1895-1945
