
Research Development Workshops on Asia

The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) invites applications to participate in one of two Collaborative Research Development Workshops focused on key issues in Asia, to be held virtually in June 2022. The workshops will focus on the social dimensions of climate change and the drivers and dynamics of migration.

AAS-SSRC Dissertation Workshop

2022: Demographics, Migration, and Transnational FlowsMarch 22-24, 2022 | Honolulu, HI Deadline: January 5, 2022 by 11:59PM The Association for Asian Studies and the Social Science Research Council, with support from the Henry Luce Foundation, are pleased to announce the jointly organized AAS-SSRC Dissertation Workshop. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the AAS annual conference in Honolulu, HI. Asia, and Asian identities have traditionally been conceptualized in terms of relatively homogenous cultural linguistic regions, monarchies, spheres of influence, and more recently, bounded nation-states.  Yet while both Asian armies and colonial regimes have often redrawn borders, incorporating new populations or

Mellon Mays Dissertation Writing Retreat

The Dissertation Writing Retreat brings together 12 to 15 advanced graduate student fellows for five days of independent work on the dissertation project.

Race, Gender, and Toxicity Online

The parallel rise of Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and the so-called alt-right suggests that political realities still vary significantly by race and gender.

Media, Technology and Democracy in Historical Context

If you consult recent headlines, the news media is in crisis, and the problems are manifold: disruptive changes to media technology, the spread of misleading news, and anonymous harassment of public figures are causing serious concerns about the quality and trajectory of our democracy and the place of the news media in it.

Contending Modernities

Based at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Contending Modernities is a multi-year, multi-stage interdisciplinary initiative that aims to develop a rich and nuanced understanding of how religious and secular forces interact in today’s world.

Summer Institute for Early-Career Scholars

The goal of the 2020 Summer Institute is to bring together early-career scholars conducting research on, or beginning new projects on, the ways in which religion intersects with two critical public issues: social justice movements and environmental crises.
